Certified Professional Life Coach Coaching International CPLCI Specialized for: adults, seniors, young adults, teenagers, and children Karin Karimah Kuhar, CPC, PPC, CPLC, CPLCI Licensed and certificated 1-678 249 0954 email: info@certifiedlifecoachinternational.com Skype: cplci.karinkarimah |
Certified Professional Life Coach Coaching International CPLCI Specialized for: young adults, teenagers, and children Luca Stas Kuhar, CPC 1-678 249 0865 email: info@certifiedlifecoachinternational.com Skype: cplci.lucastas |
Office phone number: 1 - 678 249 0954
You can call us and talk on the phone, or you can use Skype and we will talk on Skype, or we can meet and we will talk at 333 Swanson Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Our Coaches are certified by the Life Coach Institute of Orange County and have taken the Life Coach Certification Training which is approved and recognized ACTH (Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours), program by the ICF.
You can call us and talk on the phone, or you can use Skype and we will talk on Skype, or we can meet and we will talk at 333 Swanson Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Our Coaches are certified by the Life Coach Institute of Orange County and have taken the Life Coach Certification Training which is approved and recognized ACTH (Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours), program by the ICF.